Become a Member of the SC Peach Council
Using a network of valued relationships, the SCPC seeks to educate families across the nation about why South Carolina is “The Tastier Peach State.” The Palmetto State’s slightly acidic soils, hot days, and humid nights enable our growers to offer consumers peaches ripened by Mother Nature and packed with nutrients and flavor. Through joint collaboration between the SCPC and local retailers, fundraising efforts support research and promotion initiatives for South Carolina peaches.
Research efforts through major southeastern universities keep shippers on the cutting edge of production technology to bring consumers the highest quality, best tasting peach in the marketplace. Investments in these technologies ensure that consumers will benefit from increased quality and food safety standards.
Promotional efforts invite consumers to taste the difference for themselves and to enjoy our higher quality fruit all summer long. The SCPC realizes consumers have a choice and we thank you for choosing South Carolina peaches.
South Carolina Peach Growers are a very dedicated and passionate group of professionals. They work hard year-round to provide consumers with the tastiest peaches. Most of the peach orchards in South Carolina are family owned and have been passed down over generations. Peach Growers are constantly introducing new peach varieties to their orchards and improving current varieties in order to cultivate only the best. After all, South Carolina is “The Tastier Peach State”!
Funds help sustain the South Carolina peach industry through promotion, education and research.